Art workshops for children in English
Every Friday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Next dates: 13/09, 20/09, 4/10, 11/10, 18/10
For 5 to 12 years old
Please text or email Geraldine to book your sessions :
Multi techniques:
collages, watercolour, pastels, pencils, gold leaf, gouache, pottery, leaves and branches etc.
Through pictures, Geraldine introduces artists, art movements and subjects. An invitation to experiment and develop children's curiosity and creativity.
Her core course goals are based on three key objectives:
- technical skills
- Art History knowledge
- self-expression and imagination through various media.
Examples of workshops: Pop Art, Paul Klee, Carnival, Self-portrait, introduction to gold leaf, Sonia Delaunay, Land Art, Still lives, Circus in Art, Surrealism collage, stain glass, pottery etc.
TIME: Friday 13/09, 20/09, 4/10, 11/10, 18/10
4.30pm to 6.30pm
for 6 to 12 years old
Membership of the next 5 sessions: 130 euros
One-off session: 28 euros
The session includes a healthy snack
Materials are provided – please make sure to bring appropriate clothes for art workshops. An apron is recommended.
Missed sessions are not refunded
Geraldine is a Franco-British artist, art historian and art educator. She just moved to Brussels after living for 16 years in London. She worked in high profile museums such as Tate Britain and The Wallace Collection. She lead art workshops at Hibiscus Charity, ImagiNation Art Club and at Highbury Christchurch in London.
1 rue J. G. Eggericx
1150 Woluwe St-Pierre
Responsable / Gérant
Phil Briade
TVA 557 611 329
Woluart. Copyright 2023